- “The Wild Garden of Longue Vue House and Gardens”
- Amy Graham
- Edith Rosenwald Stern
- Ellen Biddle Shipman
- Caroline Dorman
- Wild gardening
- Wild Flowers of Louisiana (1934)
- Erythrina herbacea
- Erythrina coccinea
- Rhododendron canescens
- Aster amellus
- Acer saccharum
- Cephalanthus occidentalis
- Prunus Mexicana
- Chionanthus viginica
- Cliftonia
- Cratagous apifolia.
- tiny iris
- columbine
- Phlox
- birdfoot violets
- Mertensia
- Trillium
- Sarracenia sledgei
- S. purpurea
- Verbena canadensis
- Illicium floridanum
- Kalmia latifolia
- Amelanchier canadensis
- Crataegus spathulata
- Louisiana Iris
- Dorman-hybridized Louisiana Iris
- Wheel Horse
- Violet Ray
- The Kahn
- Helianthus angustifolius
- Rudbeckia hirta
- Salvia lyrata
- Salvia coccinea
- Hydrangea quercifolia
- Spigelia marilandica
- “Habitat Restoration at The Red River Wildlife Refuge Headquarters Unit”
- Gloria McClure
- Janet Creech
- Pecan orchard
- bottomland hardwoods
- cypress
- shrub swamps
- “A Louisiana Certified Habitat”
- LInda Auld
- Penstemon
- purple coneflowers
- Stokesia
- Baptisia
- blue lobelia
- Monarda
- Mistflower
- Ironweed
- slender mountain mint
- garden phlox
- red lobelia
- rudbeckia
- big-leaf mountain mint
- partridge pea (sulphur)
- aquatic milkweed (monarch)
- swamp milkweed (monarch)
- Cooking bay (Palamedes swallowtail)
- camphor (spicebush swallowtail)
- cherry laurel (cecropia silk moth)
- cottonwood (viceroy)
- elm (question mark)
- hackberry (question mark, hackberry emperor, tawny emperor, and snout)
- maple (rosy maple moth)
- pawpaw (zebra swallowtail)
- sassafras (spicebush swallowtail)
- tulip poplar (tiger swallowtail)
- willow (viceroy)
- Red lobelia
- Buttonbush
- Ironweed
- garden phlox
- bee balm
- coral honeysuckle
- American Basket-flower
- Wendy Rihner
- Star Thistle
- Shaving Brush
- American Basket-flower
- American Star-thistle
- Basketflower
- Plectocephalus americanus
- Lemon Bee Balm
- Monarda citrodora
- Helianthus
- Pond in Longue Vue Wild Garden
- Eupatorium serotinum along trail through the Wild Garden
- Caroline Dormon watercolor drawing of Indian pink (Salvia coccinea), Skullcap (Scutellaria integrifolia) and Pink-root (Spigelia marilandica)
- Red River Wildlife Refuge Headquarters Visitors’ Center
- Pollinator garden
- Flag Pole Garden
- Triangle wildflower meadow
- Big wildflower meadow
- Magnolias, Sweet Bays
- American basketflower
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