Grant Application for Organizations "*" indicates required fields Project Name* Organization Name* Is this Organization a Registered 501(c)3 Non Profit in Louisiana* YES NO Organization Web Site (if any) Organization’s Mission Statement*Project Leader/Primary Contact* First Last Email Project Leader/Primary Contact Phone #*Organization Director or President* First Last Email if different Organization Mailing Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City, State ZIP / Postal Code Purpose of Requested Funds* Special Event/Program Operating Expense Scholarship Demonstration, Exhibit Capital Improvement (permanent improvements/repairs) Other TOTAL Cost of Proposed Project* Amount requested from LNPS* Organization’s Total Annual Operating Budget* Geographic Area to be Served by the Project* Project Reporting* I understand that if awarded funds, I will be required to provide Project Updates and Status reportsI understand that if awarded funds, I will be required to provide Project Updates and Expense reports and that I may be invited to present details of my project at the annual LNPS Conference.Taxable Funds* I understand that any funds awarded may be taxable and will submit a W-9 form upon request.I understand that any funds awarded may be taxable and that funds will only be issued upon receipt of a W-9 form for the organization.Upload Your Detailed Concept Paper*Max. file size: 10 MB.Download the concept paper guidelines here. >PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ