Grant Application for Students "*" indicates required fields Project Name* Student Name First Last Student Phone*Student Email* Mailing Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State, Zip code Name of School Currently Enrolled In* Area of Interest / Area of Study* Name of Student’s Major Advisor or Teacher Advocate* Advisor’s /Advocate's Department or Subject* Advisor’s College or University (if other than your own) Advisor's Phone*Advisor's Email* Type of Support Requested* Supplies Equipment Travel Lodging Other TOTAL Cost of Proposed Project* Amount Requested from LNPS* Project Reporting / Presentation* I agree to report back to LNPS on the status of my project on request.I understand that if grant funds are awarded to my project, that I will be required to report back to LNPS on the status and completion of the work applied for and that I may be invited to present my findings at the annual LNPS conference.Upload Your Detailed Concept Paper*Max. file size: 10 MB.Download the concept paper guidelines here. >EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ